Monday, September 22, 2008

Yummy Pred

I've been in flare now for quite a while, as you know if you've read this blog before and heard me complaining about it.

Last week my rheumie doubled my steroid dosage and told me to call this morning if I didn't feel better. I don't. I've gained four pounds, but I don't feel better.

In fact, I feel like I'm wasting my life away, lying in bed without even wanting to read, mostly thanks to ongoing migraines but partly due to fever and other sx's, too. I don't have the energy to *do* anything, but resent not having accomplished anything at the end of the day, as well. I thought I'd accepted my limitations a long time ago, but when they become more restrictive, I still kick at them.

So I call back today and find out what our next step is. Yet MORE yummy pred? Increasing my chemo dose to what it was when I was first dx'd? (That worked, toxic as it was.) Can't put me back on Plaquenil... so we have limited options. I sure hope my divus doctor thinks of something though, before I lose what's left of my lupie mind. The world is getting tired of my excuses, and I continue to be tired of being tired!

Welcome to flare?

Have a nice day.

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